
Know the Difference Between a High Risk and A Low-Risk Food Handler

Just like any other industry, hotel and food industry includes the job roles where professionals have different types of responsibilities. And since food safety is a huge concern among the global consumers, there have been create different types of food handling certificate online. This is the reason that there is a basic handler card and a high risk card, also known as a higher risk card, for which the individuals would need to undergo the food safety handling course online. For those who don’t know, there are various differences in the high risk and low risk food handler certificate program.

Here is a complete detailed guide on the difference between the high risk and low risk food handler programs.

Food handling at a basic level (low risk)

As the name suggests, the basic level of food handling certification is aimed for the people working in the food industry and may be in contact with food in a non-direct way or who, in some way, may be involved in the food processing chain. The only thing to be noted here that these professionals are not directly linked with the food processing chain.

This is the basic type of food handling certificate that is more suitable for the transport of food, for agricultural-livestock production or for those jobs. We can say that the training provided with the basic food safety course online is more basic, too elementary so you can choose from a wider range of companies offering the training programs online. This is a more versatile training program for the professionals working in the food industry, useful for the needs of the professional and the labour market. 

How Does One Safely Handle Low-Risk Foods?

With the proper storage and handling of the food items that involve low risk ensures that there is a very low risk of any bacteria growing during storage, handling, or delivery. One has to ensure clean and sanitize all surfaces that come into contact with food.

High risk food handling

The next in the list we have here is the high risk food handling training programs that are more exclusively useful for the people who are directly involved with the handling of food, both fresh and cooked, and its intermediate stages. This training program helps professionals to take into account the risk incurred so that they can be prevented and minimized as much as possible. Various online training companies offer the custom high risk food handler certificate online to enable the working professionals to carry out these activities.

In the current market, the high risk food handling course online have been standardized as the common courses useful for the working professionals in the food industry to help people with the proper food handling and safety.

How Does One Safely Handle High-Risk Foods?

The professionals working in the high-risk food environment are required to have a food handler program because proper food handling can reduce the risk of illnesses caused by bacteria. Safe food handling means that the food is not just stored in the right manner, but it is also handled well.

While we can say that the difference involved in the effort and cost for obtaining the high risk and low risk food handling certificate online is almost the same and the validity period for the both is also the same for legal purposes, being the companies responsible for their Health and Hygiene Plans.

Final Words

So, when you are in the food industry associated with handling or transportation of food, opting for the appropriate food handling course online is mandatory. You must ensure that you are having the right type of food safety program like low risk food safety or high risk food safety program to make the most of your investment in the food safety program online.